E-mail:mingli@ tjnu.edu.cn
[1]Ming Li*, Pengxin Zhang, and Tianyi Wang, “Evaluation of atmospheric coherent length of free-space optical links by using phase fluctuation,”Optics Express, vol. 32, 7243-7253, February, 2024. (Top期刊)
[2]Ming Li*, Pengxin Zhang, Jiawei Han, “Methods of Atmospheric Coherence Length Measurement,”Applied Sciences, vol. 12, 2980, March, 2022.
[3] Tianyi Wang*,Ming Li*, Xu Wang, “Security analysis of discretized polar modulation continuous-variable quantum key distribution,”Optics Express, vol. 30, 36122-36133, September, 2022.(Top期刊)
[4]Ming Li*, Tianyi Wang, Jiawei Han, Zhongyuan Yu, Milorad Cvijetic, Han Ye, Yumin Liu, “Free space continuous-variable quantum key distribution with practical links,”JOSA B, vol. 37, 3690-3697, December, 2020.
[5]Ming Li*, Tianyi Wang, “Continuous-variable quantum key distribution over air quantum channel with phase shift,”IEEE Access, vol. 8, 39672-39677, February, 2020.
[6]Ming Li*, “Phase corrections with adaptive optics and gerchberg-saxton iteration: A comparison,”IEEE Access, vol. 7, 147534-147541, October, 2019
[7]Ming Li*, “Orbital-angular-momentum multiplexing optical wireless communications with adaptive modes adjustment in internet-of-things networks,”IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 6, 6134-6139, October, 2018.(Top期刊)
[8]Ming Li*, Milorad Cvijetic, “Continuous-variable quantum key distribution with self-reference detection and discrete modulation,”IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, vol.54,1-8, October, 2018.
[9]Ming Li, Wenbo GaoandMilorad Cvijetic*, “Slant-path coherent free space optical communications over the maritime and terrestrial atmospheres with the use of adaptive optics for beam wavefront correction,”Applied Optics, vol. 54, 1453-1462, January, 2017.
[10]Ming Li, Milorad Cvijetic*, Yuzuru Takashima,and Zhongyuan Yu,“Evaluation of channel capacities of OAM-based FSO link with real-time wavefront correction by adaptive optics,”Optics Express, vol. 22, 31337-31346,December,2014.(Top期刊)